Thursday, April 29, 2010

Funny Wedding Toasts

Without question a funny wedding toast can be the highlight of a reception. Adding humor, jokes, one-liners and funny quotations can help make speeches more memorable and enjoyable.

Here is a checklist for preparing funny wedding toasts. These are questions that you should ask yourself before you add humor to your wedding speech:

1. Am I good at telling jokes? This is not the same question as whether or not you are funny because telling jokes is a different skill. For example there are a lot of funny people who can use sarcasm or witty responses in order to make people laugh. However, telling jokes is altogether different.
2. Ask someone whom you trust whether or not you are a good joke teller. If their responses is a quick 'yes' without any hesitation then you can go ahead and add jokes to your funny wedding toast. If there is any hesitation at all I would recommend that you do not attempt to tell jokes at the wedding.
3. Is the joke actually funny? You should test out your material especially on an older member of the audience before the wedding. What often happens is that the humor is not funny for older members of the audience. This means that it is only funny for people of your age group. I remember one speech where the best man made several jokes about the television show 'Full House' from the 1990s. Over 75% of the audience had no idea what he was talking about.
4. Is the humor appropriate for a wedding? Politics, religion and any ethnic jokes should be avoided. Again, if you're in doubt about one of your wedding jokes ask someone who you trust to get some honest feedback.
5. Has the audience heard the joke before? There's nothing wrong with using recycled material. After all, most jokes are nothing new. However, avoid using humor that has recently been on television. For example, you don't want to use a joke from last night's David Letterman show.
6. What is the right moment for a joke? if you plan to deliver a funny wedding toast, I recommend that you stack the humor at the beginning of the speech. You don't want to talk about your love for the bride and then start telling jokes. This will make your previous comments sound insincere.

This checklist will help you write and deliver a funny wedding toast. You will be able to add humor and impress any audience as long as you stay within these guidelines.

Alexander Thornton is a professional speechwriter who has written extensively about writing funny wedding toasts. You can browse our wedding speech templates at

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Funny Video or Funny Stuff Website Launching

In these days it is easy to make a Funny Video / Funny Stuff website and then to make profit from it, all it takes is three easy steps

- Choosing domain name

- Creating a site

- Getting funny videos for your site

Choosing domain name

When you are choosing name for your funny stuff site you need to choose a catching name, but it is not all. Name choosing is most challenging part, if you will choose a wrong name which does not include any search terms which Internet users use in search for this type of sites, it will be very hard to promote such kind of site, as well as to get such a site on top of search engine results. So when you are choosing a name for your site use keyword popularity check tools, it is easy to find them on Internet, try entering different terms and phrases you would use in search of funny video sites and get ideas for your site name. Choose more words you are happy with. These keyword popularity check tools will give you more related words to one you have entered as well as monthly search results for each word and phrase. When you have chosen 10 to 100 words you are happy with, then check if these words are available as domain names with domain registration sites on Internet, if they are, check direct competition for each word to choose the most effective word for your funny video site.

How to check direct competition?

Use Google search and enter each word in search box, then press enter. Have a look on the right corner of page and you will see how many sites are using that word you have entered. To check direct competition for your chosen words type allinanchor: and then word you would like to check in Google search box, then press enter, and now on the right top corner of Google search page you can see the number of direct competitors on Internet for this search term. Note when entering (allinanchor:word) do not leave spaces.

Now when you know how many people are searching for these words (buy using keyword popularity tool) and what is direct competition of each word (allinanchor:word), you can easily choose the most effective word for your funny video site. Simply choose the word which has the least competition on Google and which is the most searched. Or use formula: (Monthly search divided by direct competition) for each word you have chosen. And the word with the highest result is the one you are looking for.

Creating a site

There are two ways how you can build your funny video site:

1 - You can buy a lot of video site building programs that will build the site for you. And to help you in this you can easily get a lot of books on the subject, which will show you exactly what needs to be done. As a source on getting information on this subject you can use Internet as well.

2 - Another option is to hire a webmaster which will help you to build your funny video site.

Getting Funny Videos for your site

There is a big choice of funny video websites where you can download videos for your site. You can also share videos with other sites on the Internet.

Note: to get all things together and launch your funny video site if you would start right now would take you only one or two month.

Martin Upelnieks

Please visit website one for all, share your videos submit your site to 20 000 directories and ask me more questions on funny video

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Funny Sayings on T-Shirts

Do you always thirst for attention? Do you always want people to remember you? Well, you can do all you want to become known. You can tumble, eat an elephant, drink hot coffee through your eyes, juggle 5 swords, befriend a greyhound, anything dangerous. Just make sure you're safe at the end of the day. Meanwhile, while you are trying to draw the eyes of many, there is an effective way to save you from yourself. You can still be an attention-catcher by just plainly walking on the street. Wear t-shirts with good designs or t-shirts with funny sayings.

Funny t-shirts are funny not with its layout, on what was written there. For sure, all the people in front of you will lean closer just to see what you're shirt is saying. Statement shirts are the new black in fashion. A lot of people are wearing funny t-shirts because they represent a lot, more than just a fashion statement. Like when you say "Fat people are hard to kidnap" for sure fat people will react, keeping it to themselves. If you want to look funny, wear hilarious t-shirts. Make fun of the old sayings. You can also play on road signs, gay pick up lines, anything in the world you think is funny. The newer the punchline is, the better. You can say anything on your funny t shirt. Because when we say funny, it is not offensive. Only dumb people gets offended by the shirt.

"My resolution is to get healthier while still destroying myself with alcohol and drugs". It is inspirational, isn't it? You can mock people without directly saying it. Through your custom shirt, you can say, " I see dumb people", or "this guy beside me is an idiot". You told the truth and you stayed safe.

There are many things you can put to make funny t-shirts. If you want, you can put there all stupid jokes.. You can also tell to all the people how much you love sex. A little gross, but it is alright. At least you've expressed yourself. You can mock politicians. You can screw their famous lines, or their faces to become funnier. This will need you bravery. You can also claim you've had an affair with Angelina Jolie or any celebrity.

Through your funny t-shirts, you are very much welcome to become mean and stubborn. You can say whatever you want. Whatever means here both offensive and inspirational. Of course, if it is not a funny saying, you won't draw attention. Funny t-shirts are supposed to make people laugh. You should wear them with confidence, you'll see them all laughing at you.

There are many ways to be humorous with your clothes like being creative with funny shirts. You have to of course choose which funny sayings on t-shirts are actually funny and which ones are offensive. You can make use of ComicalTees (best source of funny shirts), by visiting them at as they present a huge list of funny shirts available worldwide.

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Lighten Your Mood With Funny T-Shirts

It is inevitable that sometimes you undergo foul moods. Sometimes these are brought by stress, disappointments and many other instances where the outcome is somewhat unhappy. Remaining down in the dumps is not healthy. Being depressed, in a bad mood or sad bring about health concerns involving your brain, heart, and other system. What you need to do then is to lighten your mood and you can do this in many different ways. One of these is wearing funny t-shirts.

It may sound far-fetched or improbable but indeed, this idea can work out. As the cliché always say, laughter is the best medicine. So why not start changing your mood through funny t-shirts that might just bring smile to your gloomy disposition? Shirts that are funny can be in many forms. There are those that tell of a joke while there are those which imprint funny characters in them.

These shirts become funny t-shirts when they can actually draw a smile from the wearer or other people. Or it could also be when people start dreaming in nostalgia funny childhood memories. These childhood memories could spark past anecdotes and other fun activities with loved ones during childhood. It could also be simply because of the words or characters on the t-shirt that are no less than simple but funny at the same time.

Funny t-shirts may be imprinted with your favorite cartoon characters. These shirts can have Snow White and the seven dwarfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Scooby Doo and many other characters that draw out hilarious or fun memories. Jokes and other funny quotations are also what make these shirts funny and likable. The jokes can be about anything or anyone without any pun or insult intended. These are all for a good fun and when you try them on; they might just lighten up your mood.

There are a lot of ways in which to get these funny t-shirts. Companies such as Disney and other cartoon proprietors definitely produce t-shirts to sell or give away. You can buy shirts from these companies. However, there are other means of acquiring these shirts, too. You can go to specialty stores which specialize in funny merchandise. If you can't find what you want there, you can always opt to search online.

There are a lot of online companies which sell funny t-shirts through the internet. So to lighten your mood and everyone else around you, try getting a hold at least a couple of these.

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Funny 50th Birthday Ideas That Will Have Everyone Laughing it Up

Here are some funny 50th birthday ideas that will give everyone a laugh and help to create a special 50th birthday occasion that everyone will remember.

Most everyone has a sense of humor and since 50th birthdays only come around once why not do something to add a little memorable fun to the occasion? A great idea is to have a t-shirt made for the birthday celebrant with a funny saying printed on it. Usually there are retail stores in every town that does this type of thing. If one can't be found there is always the online option. Funny t-shirts that have a personalized message on them can be ordered from many companies over the Internet.

Here are some funny sayings you may want to consider for this 50th birthday t-shirt:

* Contents in mint condition-packaging in slightly worn condition
* I'm only fifty on the on the outside-on the inside I'm still a rebellious teenager
* I'm not 50 I'm 49.95 plus tax
* 50 is the new 30!
* I make 50 look good!
* 50 is actually Five Perfect 10's
* 50 Aged to Perfection
* Fabulous at 50
* 50 is young.....if you're a tree!
* It took me 50 years to look this good!
* I'm not 50 I'm 21 with 39 years experience
* Celebrating 50 years of ME!
* 50- It's better than the alternative
* 50 Happens
* Like begins at 50
* I am now Officially Older Than Dirt!
* 50 and my kids still can't keep up with me!
* For Sale 50 Year Old-Needs Parts Make Best Offer

Another funny and creative idea would be to have one of these sayings represent a common theme for the 50th birthday party and have it printed on something all the guests would have. You could choose any number of items they could take home to remember this special occasion.

Imagine this saying on a coffee mug: "Jim's Not 50 -He's 18 With 32 Years of Experience". Or, how about this on a pin everyone could wear: "Sue Makes 50 Look Good!" You could have a funny statement like: "At 50 Ed is Now Older than Dirt" on caps everyone could wear. You could have your local printer make up a banner to hang in the house or yard using one of these sayings. You may also want to consider having a funny line printed on birthday balloons.

These funny expressions could even be used in cards or invitations that you will send out to your guests. At the party you could have something funny printed on gifts you could be handed out to game winners. Some companies have rolls of toilet paper that have funny 50th birthday related expressions printed on the sheets. An apron with a funny statement or tie with something funny on it would make a good gift that will get a laugh every time the 50th year old wears it. There is a lot you can do to make the 50th birthday memorable and funny. Consider one or more of these ideas and you will not go wrong.

Here is where you will find some very useful help regarding 50th Birthday Party Ideas. In particular you should go here to learn really unique 50th Birthday Gift Ideas for the person that is so hard to buy for.

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How to Find Stupid Funny Quotes For Free

You know how sometimes nothing is more entertaining than stupid funny quotes that make you laugh out loud. These short and simple quotes have the power to bring you laughter and joy in just a few seconds of reading them.

No wonder every day tens of thousands of people search for stupid, silly funny quotes. Maybe you are bored at work and want to find something to amuse you for a while to boost your energy.

You may even be at home on a lazy weekend, and are looking for a way to have fun and pass your time. Then funny quotes are a brilliant idea to add more fun and laughter to your day.

You can also search for online jokes and funny sayings in many topics in addition to humorous quotes. You can find all kinds of hilarious sayings and quotes about life, office, work, love, family, men and women, sex, and much more.

So when you are looking for funny sayings and quotes, where can you find the best and funniest ones? Here are some tips to help you...

So Where Can You Find Stupid Funny Quotes?

Finding funny quotes on the Internet is quite easy. There are many websites that offer them for free and you can easily find lots of them. But there are also a few tips to help you find the best and funniest quotes to enjoy the most.

Search for a Specific Topic to Find More Quotes

When you are searching for funny quotes, narrow down your search to the specific topic you like the most. This way you can find the best desired quotes that you will enjoy the most.

For example if you are at work and are bored, you may want to search for "funny office quotes", because it is related to your current situation and will be more fun.

Or if you are going to your friend's birthday party and want to amuse everyone with a few silly, stupid quotes, you can narrow down your search to this key phrase, "funny birthday quotes". So you will find the most related sunny quotes you are looking for.

It may be helpful to browse through a few different quotes websites to find some catchy, funny ones that really get your attention. Enjoy!

Looking for Short Funny Quotes and sayings to make you laugh? Sometimes nothing is more humorous and entertaining than funny short quotes.

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Funny Pick Up Lines - How to Use Funny Pick Up Lines and Have the Best Chance of Success

Using funny pick up lines will work sometimes, but not always

They need to be used at the right time, the right place and in the right context, so that your chances of them being responsive will be much better. If you approach a girl and you use a line which will make her laugh, then you will automatically have something to talk about with her.

The majority of women will love to talk to someone who has a great sense of humor and is very confident with their approach. In recent surveys, women were asked what attracted them to a man. Besides the usual replies such as good looks, great personality, great sense of style, one of the highest responses was that they wanted a man who had a great sense of humor and used funny pick up lines.

Once you've made the girl laugh, you have immediately broken down the barrier and it will make her feel a lot more relaxed in talking to you. Knowing the correct funny pick up lines to say is a bonus, and being able to deliver them at the right time is the key to having a girl want to speak to you.

Show a lot of confidence when you deliver your funny line and be sure to use direct eye contact. If you have a serious look on your face as you deliver your funny line, or if you stammer or stutter, she is going to ignore you and will be looking for someone else to talk with.

Some pick up lines don't make a lot of sense, but that doesn't matter as long as they're funny. You could put a smile on your face and smirk and show the girl that you are having fun, which gives her the invitation to have some fun with you. Having the right attitude and being confident within yourself will go a long way in helping you to be able to speak to women. It will make you feel much more relaxed when approaching other women as well.

When delivering your pick up lines don't make them smutty, because you are more likely to turn the girl away from you and will show your total lack of respect for her. Using funny pick up lines to flirt with someone can be a challenge, but if you approach it sensibly you are more likely to be successful. Go out and have fun with your pick up lines as the key to being a success in anything you do is to relax and enjoy it.

Here are 20 funny pick up lines that are in good taste and will help you break the ice with the next girl you want to approach. [Results not guaranteed]

1. Give me three good reasons why I shouldn't buy you a drink?
2. Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
3. Do you have room in your life for another friend?
4. Does Levi's pay you for wearing those and looking that good?
5. Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
6. Do you have the time? [Gives the time] No, the time to write down my number?
7. Excuse me miss... Do you have a cigarette? Actually, I don't want one, I just wanted to start a conversation with you
8. Excuse me, I'm looking for a you want to be my friend?
9. Guy: Did I see u somewhere? Girl: No Guy: Then I must of seen you in my dreams!
10. Hey, don't frown - you'll never know who might be falling in love with your smile.
11. Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.
12. If you were a new hamburger at McDonald's, you would be McGorgeous.
13. I'm invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night?
14. Oh my god, I thought I was gay... then I met you.
15. Smile if you want me!
16. That's a nice watch [Thank you] Actually, that's a nice dress. [Again, thank you] Come to think of it, everything is nice on you.
17. What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?
18. You are a beautiful girl, you have probably heard all the great pick up lines, so why dont' you just tell me the ones that worked so we can get past all that?
19. You are so beautiful that I would marry your brother just to get into your family.
20. You know, you might be asked to leave soon. You're making the other women look really bad.

How To Make Women Laugh And Fall For You

"When you can make women laugh, you've immediately opened the door to ALL kinds of possibilities." I'm the first to admit - it works. The most successful guys I know use it in their daily interactions with women and it almost NEVER fails to get them 'begging' for more.

Women especially love to be around guys who can show them a good time and make them laugh. It's one trait they find simply irresistible in men who can pull it off. Comedy, humor, laughter works - period.

Guys understand the concept behind it, but not everyone knows HOW to do it -- again and again -- and again. Good news is, I've finally found an excellent and a Surprisingly IN-DEPTH resource to show you how it's done. Visit my Blog How To Get Girls to find out more

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Christmas - Top 7 Funny Christmas Quotes For Family Fun, Laughter & Jolliness!

Sharing funny Christmas quotes gives a family an opportunity to laugh together and feel a sense of joy, jolliness and closeness during the festive season. As an added bonus families will reap health benefits in the process. Laughter helps to project your nervous system, reduce stress, boost your immune system and gives your internal organs a good work-out. Sharing funny Christmas quotes is an opportunity to come together sharing inspiration, joy and a few laughs. Give a gift that brings joy to the ones you love on a whole new level by sharing funny Christmas quotes.

You can add Christmas quotes to your Christmas cards to make them even more enjoyable and memorable for the recipient. You could also add them to your own home made Christmas crackers. How about being creative and paint Christmas quotes onto a Christmas bowl, pot plant, a Christmas apron or even onto Christmas cushions or throw rugs which you could also give as fun and inspirational gifts too. With a little imagination and creativity, ideas for sharing funny Christmas quotes and applications are endless.

So why not start a new tradition in your home and get the whole family involved in finding on the internet or in books from the library funny Christmas quotes. You could even encourage everyone to make up their own original funny Christmas quote. You could extend an invitation to extended family and friends to bring along a funny Christmas quote to share at your Christmas get-together. You could even have a prize gift for the best funny Christmas quote. You can Google 'Funny Christmas Quotes' and you will find hundreds to choose from and why not even make up your funny Christmas quotes.

Here are seven top funny Christmas quotes to help you get started:

1. I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included. Bernard Manning

2. I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. Shirley Temple

3. The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. Jay Leno

4. Decorate your homes with lots of mistletoe... this won't really help the environment... But more kissing has got to be good for world peace. GreenPeace

5. Santa Claus wears a Red Suit, He must be a communist. And a beard and long hair, Must be a pacifist. What's in that pipe that he's smoking? Arlo Guthrie

6. Christmas just like a day at the office; you do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit. Anonymous

7. In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it 'Christmas' and went to church; the Jews called it 'Hanukka' and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say 'Merry Christmas!' or 'Happy Hanukka!' or (to the atheists) 'Look out for the wall! Dave Barry

Introducing some funny Christmas quotes will open the door for extra fun, laughter and holiday jolliness this Christmas festive season. So do not miss an opportunity to add more inspiration, fun and laughter to your celebrations. Remember that family and friends that laughs together create a greater closeness through positive shared experiences and fond memories together. Introducing funny Christmas quotes is an opportunity to add more joy, jolliness and depth to your family, friends and office gatherings this festive Christmas season.

The author Bernadette Dimitrov (aka Mrs Claus) Christmas author, speaker & show host of 'Conversations with Mrs Claus' at invites you to her show with world-wide experts, coaches, best selling authors, celebrities, holiday experts, film makers, famous Santa Clauses and more plus prizes to be won! Also come visit and join her free weekly inspirational Christmas newsletter with great recipes, insights & gift ideas & receive inspirational free gifts and keep updated with the latest released inspirational uplifting podcasts for you to live a happier, joyous and more fulfilled life with guests sharing tips and tools and free give aways and special offers for you! !

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Funny Top Ten Lists - Why Are They So Popular?

(1) They solve a very common problem.
Whether it's caused by our increasingly short national attention span, or a lack of time for unwholesome entertainment, funny top 10 lists solve the same problem: the need for a quick, easily obtained humor fix. Funny top ten lists are just like reading ten short jokes: there's a single set-up line (the headline), followed by ten targeted punch lines. Just the ticket for those of us with attention deficit disorder ... or solitary social lives.

(2) The number ten has symbolic meaning.
The number 10 is the basis for the decimal system; the most common numbering system in the world. Mathematical scholars tell us that the number 10 was chosen by early humans because, whenever they looked down, they always saw 10 digits. Since most early humans ran around naked, it's pretty clear that we have women to thank for devising the decimal system.

(3) The headlines grab our attention.
Since most of these lists appear on the Internet, they're largely uncensored. As a result, they're often designed to appeal to our baser interests. You remember our "baser interests," don't you? They're the subconscious thoughts about y-rated sex that keep popping into our heads every 10 or 15-seconds. As a general rule, funny top 10 lists feature all the best and worst elements of The National Enquirer.

(4) They're highly addictive.
You can never read just one! Unless you have an Actual Life, they invariably draw you in; and pretty soon, you're spending more time with funny top ten lists than a rocker spends in rehab. Although individual lists can be read rather quickly, they typically appear as part of a large group of lists. If you enjoy the first few lists, the hook is set. Now you've got to read on, in order to find out if the others are equally funny.

(5) They draw attention to a website.
Experts in search engine optimization have long known that the addition of funny top ten lists to a website is one of the best ways to increase visitor traffic and links from other sites. This technique often attracts attention so effectively that these lists are frequently referred to as "link bait" within the SEO industry. Since funny top 10 lists are known to attract a lot of eyeballs, sites that showcase them are extremely popular with online advertisers.

(6) Most lists are evergreen.
Whether funny top ten lists target current or historical topics, public interest in these lists is essentially timeless. Although former N.Y. Governor Eliot Spitzer and O.J. Simpson would probably like to believe otherwise, the public does not quickly forget the people or events that have attracted the media spotlight. Plus, skillful composers of funny top ten lists can easily bring readers up to speed by incorporating any necessary background information into the lists themselves.

(7) They appeal to a very diverse audience.
Although individual composers of funny top 10 lists must remain focused upon a specific target audience, collectively, these lists have widespread appeal. Anyone with a troubled childhood, a wet sense of humor, or a depraved indifference to Paris Hilton is likely to become an instant fan. As Larry the Cable Guy is fond of saying, "I don't care who you are; that's funny!"

(8) They poke fun at every imaginable topic.
When it comes to comedy, nothing (and no one) is sacred. Just ask any Ayatollah in your neighborhood. In fact, the more supposedly sacred the target, the greater the added shock value. And remember: one funny top ten list equals ten total shocks!

(9) David Letterman keeps public awareness high.
Even though he's just a reader, rather than a creator, of humorous top 10 lists, Letterman's name has been synonymous with these lists for the past 25-years. His reading of a top 10 list is always one of the most eagerly anticipated events on his Late Night television show. Of course, it helps to be as goofy-looking as David Letterman, and have a backup band musically punctuating every punch line when you're presenting a funny top 10 list.

On the other hand, since he's not allowed to use any of The Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television, his team of comedy writers deserve a great deal of praise for maintaining the long-term popularity of top 10 lists.

Copyright 2009. Funniest Top Ten Lists. All rights reserved.

Don G. Asmus is the List Master at Funniest Top Ten Lists, where he consistently creates the funniest top ten lists on the planet.

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Funny Quotes About Life - Where to Use Them

Laughter is perhaps one of the most important and necessary ingredients of a happy and fulfilling life. It is a free medicine that keeps you away from all other medicines. It keeps you fit and healthy, physically and mentally.

One of the best ways to keep your laughter motor running smoothly is funny life quotes. There are various different ways of using funny life quotes and here are few ideas that you may find very useful.

Use them as a Tattoo - If you love having a Tattoo on your body, then you might consider putting funny life quotes on your body as a tattoo. You never run out of option as there are countless numbers of funny quotes about life available for you to choose from. In fact, today it is the trend of putting funny and humorous quotes on body. So go ahead, find out some funny quotes on life that represent your inner self and tattoo them on your body.

Use them in your college scrapbook - Another great way to use them is to put them in your college scrapbook. If you have elaborated your college scrapbook with all those funny college pictures of your friends, then adding Funny Life Quotes in it is like Ice on the cake. Adding a funny quote below your picture can make your college scrapbook look more beautiful and expressive. So pick a few quotes and use them in your scrapbook and make it more expressive.

Use them in your online profile - You can use them in your profile in social networking websites. It is your profile that decides other people's opinion about you. So your profile should be impressive and expressive. It should be something that represents your true personality. Using a funny Life Quotes in your social networking websites profile will make you come across as a very humorous, full of life and friendly person.

Use them on a birthday card - Another great option to consider if you want to use Funny Life Quotes is to add them on birthday card you sent to your friends on their birthday. It's a great way to add a touch of fun and humor to your birthday card that will certainly bring smile on the face of person you are sending card to. So next time, whenever you send out a card to your near and dear ones, don't forget to include a good funny quote.

Read them with your friends and family -It's a great fun and enjoyment to read them sitting with your friends and family. It makes you laugh out loud and at the same time it strong those precious bonds. So next time whenever you are together with your friends or family, consider opening a good website or taking a book containing humorous quotes about life. You'll all really enjoy.

Check out our website to read our collection of Funny Life Quotes and Sayings.

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The Modern Man - Is Cocky and Funny a Good Approach With Women

With the introduction of the information age, more and more single men are learning a new concept when it comes to meeting, and succeeding with women - cocky and funny. This approach can be very confusing for a lot of guys. Does the cocky and funny attitude work, well that depends on your own natural abilities.

While the cocky and funny concept of meeting women can be a complicated subject, the effect can be an effective approach with meeting women. If you are typically a man with a cocky attitude or a broad sense of humor, the cocky and funny approach can be very effective for you in approaching women.

Here is where men screw up when it comes to approaching women. When a man tries to hard to be something or someone he is not, most women can see through that in a flash. Save the façade and be who you are. Work with what you have naturally, you would be surprised what you have that you are not utilizing.

Cocky and funny is a great approach with women if you come by it naturally, however if you try to be cocky and have don't have a natural skill for it, 9 times out of ten, you will bomb out with this approach.

The cocky and funny approach with women is not the same as talking cocky or being a funny smart aleck with your friends. There is a fine line. You do not want to come off crude or condescending. Think of cocky as confident and funny as well - funny! O the approach would be a confident funny approach. This could mean simply playing hard to get. You may think, are you kidding - a girl pays interest and I am suppose to act as if I am not interested? Are you kidding? No, I am not kidding. I am dead serious. As much as girls like to be chased, if they are handed a prize, rather then having a bit of a chase involved in getting it, they get bored quick. This is where the cocky and funny approach works. With cocky being confident, you emit the aura of someone who is available yet not easy, making the chase and conquer factor enticing to a woman. You are just cocky enough to get their attention, and funny enough to be attractive and confident enough to know when you made that connection to walk away and let them come after you!

Here is what not to do with a cocky and funny approach with women. Do not mistake cocky and funny as being the jester of the court or being cocky in the sense where you degrade women in general. Do not be so cocky to think you're the king of cock and are irresistible to women. You will fail on both accounts!

How to be Cocky and Funny

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Funny Questions About Life

Those Funny Questions About Life Keep On Coming.

Ever had one of those funny questions about life? Then please read on.

When it comes to funny questions and thoughts about life, every time think I've seen them all I find one I've never seen before or come up with more of my own. The following are some of the ones I've discovered or written however, I know there's more because thats, well... life. So, if you find while reading these funny questions and thoughts about life make you smile, pass them along. All right, let's get started!

Humorous questions - Group 1 Why does Hawaiian pizza also contain Canadian Bacon? Grape Nuts cereal. No grapes - no nuts. Huh? What's the difference between regular ketchup and fancy ketchup? Do Dutch people always split the bill? If you use Miracle Whip on Wonder Bread, do you have to use Heavenly Ham?

Wacky Questions about life - Group 2 Is there ever a day that mattresses aren't on sale? They make bullet proof vests, why not bullet proof pants? Why are oriental rug stores always going out of business? Is there any difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny?

Mildly amusing Questions about life - Group 3 If it only takes one match to start a forrest fire, why on earth does it take me a whole box of matches and a can of lighter fluid to light my grill? When they ship those styrofoam peanuts, what do they pack them in? How do you know when pickles or sour cream has gone bad?

Zany Questions about life - Group 4 How does one know when their bagpipes need tuning? Allstate Insurance has a disclaimer that reads: not available in all states. What? If Donkey Kong's main character is a monkey, why isn't it called Monkey Kong? Why does the word lisp have an "s" in it?

Questions about life - Group 5 How come you never read the headline, "Psychic Wins Lottery"? The next time someone says, "Now I've seen everything", ask them if they've ever seen a UPS truck parked in a parking space. Has anyone ever really seen a Jolly Rancher? If you get a club soda stain, how do you remove it?

Funny Questions about life - Group 6 Has anyone (besides Donald Trump's wife) ever been fooled by a comb over? Is it really possible to change the direction of a bowling ball by waving your hands? There's senior citizens, so why aren't there junior citizens?

Funny Questions about life - Group 7 They say laughter is the best medicine - so who came up with the phrase, "I died laughing"? Why do doctors leave the room when your getting dressed? After all, they've already seen you naked. What's wrong with the United States? They only have two choices for President, but fifty for Miss America. Any reason they nail down the lid of a coffin? When butterflies get upset or nervous, what do they get in their stomachs?

Funny Questions about life - Group 8 Where do they put price stickers on non-stick pans? If it's called lipstick, why is it always coming off? When they sing, "Take me out to the ball game" they're already there. Why? Who's idea was it to make the word abbreviation so long?

Yes, these are just a few of the Funny Questions about life that try men's - and women's souls. And there's a ton more funny questions about life not listed here. Some of them come to me during the course of a day. For example, why does every shampoo bottle say, lather, rinse, repeat? I'm sorry, did I miss my head entirely the first time or do you just want to sell more shampoo? If you have or have thought up any funny questions of life yourself, feel free to send them along and thanks for wasting a few minutes of your life pondering these funny questions of life. Now get out there and do something good. Like figuring out what people in China call their good plates.

Hal Eisenberg is a freelance writer and author. He is also the proud co-owner of If you'd like to get in touch, you can reach him at

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Funny Best Man Speeches - Three Basic Rules

The pressure's on. You've been asked to be the best man at a wedding. Of course, you are honored and excited. But you are probably a little bit scared about giving the dreaded best man speech. You want to deliver a memorable speech full of wit and humor. Don't panic! Here's three simple rules you can follow to deliver funny best man speeches.

Start with Something Funny

One great way to break the ice in your best man speech is to start with something funny. So, find a funny quote from somewhere. You can find one:

* on a funny quote website like amusingquotes or goodquotes,
* from a movie the groom particularly likes,
* or, from the groom, maybe something he has said in the past or a mantra he lives by.

Intertwine Funny Stories throughout the Wedding Speech

You can also construct funny best man wedding speeches by weaving funny stories throughout the wedding speech. For example, maybe he has some off-the-wall habits, like listening to Barry Manilow's Copacabana while working out, or separating all his m & m's into like colors before eating them. Stuff like this is fair game, as long as the groom has a sense of humor. So while poking fun, remember to:

* Keep it clean and in good taste. No foul language, no f-bombs. There are bound to be children present and they don't need to be exposed to such language.
* Keep it light. Try not to embarrass him with memories that are either painful, or will haunt him at a later date (especially with his new wife). Absolutely no talk about ex-girlfriends or any past sexual escapades at all. And definitely no "Remember, that one time, when you were arrested..."
* Keep the personality of the groom in mind. He may be a serious kind of fellow and won't get a kick out of the same things you do. Run your speech past someone else who knows the groom and get their feedback before you give your speech.

Another good way to weave fun facts into funny best man speeches is to draw contrast between the bride and groom. For example:

She loves fine art, his idea of fine art is his beer can collection.
She loves Mozart, he loves Metallica.

How they love each other even though they are, in some ways, complete opposites will be absolutely humorous.

Be Heartfelt and Sincere

While you are poking fun at the groom, remember to be respectful and tactful. The groom may be your best friend or brother. Someone you will have a relationship with well after the evening's festivities have come to a close.

That being said, some other rules to remember to produce funny best man wedding speeches are:

* Compliment the bride. How beautiful she looks, how wonderful she is etc. Do not tease the bride. No comments about "ball and chain" or relinquishing freedom. You can diss a little on the groom, but not the bride.
* Tell everyone who you are. Not everyone at the wedding reception will know who you are. Explain how you know the groom, where you met, that sort of thing.
* Memorize your speech as much as possible. It's hard to be funny when you are reading straight off of a piece of paper. It won't sound sincere. So, practice and memorize your best man speech.
* Look the bride, the groom, and the audience in the eye. Your goal is to be sincere while being funny. So if you are looking at your shoes, people aren't going to believe a word you are saying.

Need to see a funny best man speech in action? Check out these great examples of funny best man wedding speeches!

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Funny Viral Videos - The Best Way to Spread Your Word Online

These days, more and more people want to have a fun-filled lifestyle. They delve for for doses of great humor by watching funny viral videos in multitudinous video streaming sites. For this reason, it's a great practice if regularly update your blog with funny videos. This practice is also one of the easiest ways to give birth to web traffic.

One morning, I decided to watch baby laughing videos in YouTube. I clicked on top-first video flashed on the screen and to my amazement, the 1:40 small baby boy video garnered more than 65 million clicks worldwide and a page rank of six.

Is it amazing, right?

Creating comedy videos entertains your readers. Especially if you are an online marketer, it's a need to give your devoted subscribers the time to laugh and not only the payment reminders.

Creating Viral Funny Videos


This is the most chief variable in creating videos. If you look it up in a dictionary, fun refers to amusement or mirth.

That's right! A good and cheering video should not be too stiff for the audience to watch. The video should be a minute-long only. You can also run or download funny clips if you are snoozy to create your own funny video.

Many people have short-attention span and as a marketer, you shouldn't waste their time by watching long and characterless videos.

Are you aware you can also monetize your blog by posting funny videos?

Here's a technique:

After posting funny videos or funny clip in your blog entry, make sure you spread your blog post to several bookmarking sites such as DIGG, StumbleUpon etc. Then, dash off a point of putting a large Google Ad banner at the bottom of your post. There's a 50-50 possibility that many people will be tempted to click that ad if they find it very charismatic. It would also be a bright move if there are at least two or three different affiliate programs promoted in the page.

Fantastic thing is, you can also do this means if you have funny dog or cat videos. Most people are animal lovers and usually, they are in search of those kinds of videos in Google or Yahoo! Search engines.

As a result, making funny viral videos is a great routine. If you want to be best in this niche, bring your video cam with you in any place and try videoing the funny events happening in the streets. Or you can embed it from YouTube and compile it in a Squiddo Lens.

Dean Ryan Martin is a prominent affiliate marketer and a student of Tim Brocklehurst, the world-renownded viral marketing expert: For a free list-building tool and 8 free ebooks on how to make money online, go to

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Searching For Funny Videos Online is Great Fun If You Have a Few Friends Over For Drinks Or a Party

Funny videos - YouTube has become known as the number one website for funny videos, or indeed any kind of video from music videos to sports events. Along with Facebook, eBay and Wikipedia it has become one of the most recognized websites in the world. One of the things that is great about the site is that anyone can contribute - whether you have accidentally created a funny video or simply want to share a family event or tell the world something, it is there for everyone to use. And it is completely free. Never before has it been so easy, or fast, to share and view video. It has revolutionized how we use the internet.

YouTube is not without it's flaws however. It's not always properly moderated and unsavory and explicit material is often inadvertently published and, due to the nature of it's design, there are so many different types of videos - funny videos, factual videos, spoof videos, scientific videos etc etc that it can sometimes be hard work to find exactly what you're looking for. Searching on a keyword can often create dozens and dozens of results that you have to sift through. And let's be honest, it's usually just the funniest videos we're looking for.

Searching for funny videos online is great fun if you have a few friends over for drinks or a party. You can spend hours searching for funny incidents, funny animals, funny TV blunders, and just about anything else you can think of. It's all there in glorious colour. It's surprising just how much fun it can be to have a group of friends gathered round a computer monitor watching a dog on a trampoline or a skier crashing into a tree! Previously we had to rely on TV shows like Candid Camera, Beadle's About, You've Been Framed etc, maybe showing on TV once a week, now we have an unlimited supply ready at the click of a mouse button twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year! A new website has been launched which helps to narrow-down the search for the internet's funniest videos.

Instead of trawling through endless search results, Our website does all the hard work for you, selecting only the best in funny videos and presenting them to the viewer in blog format with categorized links to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Whether it's amusing pets you're after, funny kids or sporting disasters, This site has them all! There are no subscription fees or disclaimers to sign, it's all ready and waiting for your viewing pleasure! It's updated on a daily basis and once you've bookmarked it, you'll be coming back time and time again.

As well as funny videos, Our site also contains lots of links to other websites with loads of other funny stuff. So, in a nut shell, if it's funny videos you're looking for, then head straight for our new site- not just for funny videos, but the FUNNIEST videos!

David Barr wrote the article 'Searching For Funny Videos Online is Great Fun If You Have a Few Friends Over For Drinks Or a Party' and recommends you visit for your free funny videos.

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Funny Halloween Costume Ideas - Tickle Your Funny Bones

Too tired of the usual and boring ghosts, zombies, mummies, witches, and vampires or the very colorful fairies, princesses, and angels? Do you want to be something creative that can elicit unanimous laughter from friends because of your ingenuity? There is one answer: try to be funny!

Halloween costumes don't always need to be scary and spooky. They can also be funny, crazy, and hilarious. Funny Halloween costumes do not always mean that you should dress up as a clown or as a jester. Funny costumes can be ordinary things that one would not normally think to turn into a Halloween costume like a Christmas tree, a bowling pin, or a night stand (and call it "One Night Stand").

Here are some ideas for humorous costumes you can dress up as come October 31st.

Funny costumes for infants and kids

If the child has red hair, dress him as a carrot complete with the green stem on top of his or her head and then call them "carrot top". Or dress him up in a baby bunting or baby sleeping bag with the Sugar Babies logo written on the front, and voila! He's become one sweet baby!

Other costume ideas for infants and kids are a baby giant banana, a hotdog, a loaf of Wonder Bread, a Tootsie Roll, and a red hot chili pepper. Other cute and funny costumes are penguins, a little monkey, or a bumblebee.

Funny costumes for adults

There's also a wide array of funny costume ideas for adults. They can be hilarious costumes with clean humor or with sexual innuendos. Funny costumes with sexual innuendos are most popular with adults, especially at adult Halloween costume parties.

Some costume ideas with clean humor are Dumb and Dumber, Adam and Eve (complete with a skin-tone body suit and leaves covering your private parts), Ken, a blind referee, Betty and Veronica, a midget rocker, Olive Oyl, a maxed out credit card, a fat guitar-playing Mexican dude, a 70s disco king or queen, a giant hotdog, or a big daddy pimp with lots of bling-bling.

Another surefire idea that will get laughs from your peers on Halloween is cross-dressing. If you're a male, try dressing up as a female character. Get a bunch of your male buddies and dress up as a male cheerleading squad. If you would rather go solo, dress up as a tooth fairy, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton. You can also dress up as Snow White and bring little stuffed toys as your seven dwarves. A cross-dressing French maid or a Hooters waitress with ridiculously big boobs can also do the funny trick.

Females can also dress up as male superheroes to get that funny effect. Dress up as Superman complete with exaggerated biceps and muscles or a female version of Austin Powers with the famous accent and "Yeah, baby!"

Other popular funny Halloween costumes that lean toward the naughty side are a pack of condoms, a medieval knight with his bits hanging outside his breeches, a flasher, and a plug and socket.

David Lawson writes for and shares his interest in dressing up with internet readers. He's been writing for costume and Halloween blogs since August 2007 and has been a blog author since September 2005. He loves playing characters and his creative side is most active when he's sharing his ideas with others. He shares his ideas and recommendations about Funny Halloween Costumes and other holidays at Visit our costume price comparison site for more Halloween costume ideas. Have a safe and Halloween!

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Funny Wedding Speech - The Best Wedding Speeches Are Funny - Here's How to Make One

A funny wedding speech which is truly humorous and witty all in the same is always one of the harder wedding speeches to create. As we all know not everyone is a comedian. A funny wedding speech is not about including a joke or two in your speech. In order to create a successful funny wedding speech you will need to apply your sense of humor to make your speech really funny and interesting at the same time. Here are some thoughts that should be able to help to compose some really funny wedding speeches. And with a bit of patience and effort from your part it's not hard to achieve and you should have the crowd laughing in no time.

1) Tell Stories Of When You Were Younger- This is always a crowd pleaser and can provide sentimental moments at the same time. If you do decide to tell stories always make sure that you leave risque subjects out.

2) Tell A Most Memorable Moment- If you are speaking at the wedding than certainly there has to be a memorable moment that you have shared that was humorous.

3) Tell About A Funny Habit That You May Know About The Person- Habits are always another crowd pleaser. Do you know about a certain freaky habit? If so use this to your advantage and incorporate it into your funny wedding speech.

4) Is There Something That You Know The Bride or Groom Said They Would Never Do?- It is always funny to hear about the bride or groom getting caught doing things that they said they would never do. Did you recently catch Joe frantically washing the dishes before Jan got home from work when you recently went over to visit him or did you catch Jan rocking out to Joe's crazy metal records when you thought she hated them? Things like this can always make for a funny wedding speech.

Creating a funny wedding speech sometimes can be tricky but are always one of the most memorable ones. It is important to always avoid the three following topics when creating your speech. Sex, Politics or Religion.

If you avoid these three topics and try to incorporate at least one of the recommended topics above into your funny wedding speech you will have the crowd laughing and your speech will be remembered for years to come!

Do you need a Funny Wedding Speech
A funny wedding speech is just a click away with our recommended wedding speech services. Create Any Wedding Speech Now For Just $19.99 Click Here

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How To Become Funny Even If You Are Not

More than once, people have asked me "How do you become funny?" Sometimes I don't know if that is a compliment or a complaint. It has always been a question I've pondered because "funny" is not a major in college, we don't study and get our degree in funny.

I really did not understand what went into being funny for many years. The jury is still out whether I do or not. I believe I have "paid my dues" though in learning just what is funny and what is not. And there is as much science to it as their is art.

Now I keep my ears open. I listen to not just the humor but the rhythm of how it is delivered. I watch people's reactions to other people's humor. I take notes. I see that short is sweet.

Shakespeare instinctively knew so many years ago that, "Brevity is the soul of wit". Even then, he had the insight to know that people's attention spans are short. Sure, they want to hear your joke or funny story, but they also have other things on their mind. Even if they think something is funny, if it is long-winded, and takes too much of their time, they may consider you "funny", but chances are they won't come back for more of your humor.

Consider the cartoonist and humor writer. That would be me. I created a single panel cartoon called Londons Times Cartoons in 1997. I based it on the Shakesperian theory that humor was and is the soul of wit. No long drawn out captions. Sometimes no captions at all. The picture would tell the story. It was an experiment. It was off the wall. That year, I posted less than a hundred cartoons on my website. Though I had thought of many others, those were the ones that past the litany test of "what is funny" to me.

So now I have one of the most visited cartoon sites on the Internet, 8.9 million visitors since January of 2005 when we first started counting. It all happened so quickly, it seemed, it would be hard for me to describe just how it did all happen. But I'll try.

I am sure there is more than just one road toward making something like that happen. In my case, it was mainly listening to other people whom I felt were funny, reading autobiographies of funny persons, and studying humor. I watched sitcoms. I went to funny movies. I noticed one-liners in real life were really not much different than one liners in a cartoon.

They got my attention. They were of value. They were something I could repeat to my friends and they would receive enjoyment from it.

Another element of "being funny" at least in the marketplace is to find one's niche or voice. Sometimes that can take time. A lot of time. In my case, I tried stand-up comedy, acting and other such venues for a number of years. The problem was that I didn't understand the art well and was not able to perfect it to the degree to which I wanted.

So I tried writing, and I finally settled for cartooning. I had read the late great Charles Schulz's autobiography in which he said the reason he went into cartooning is because he couldn't do much else very well. That was the story of my life. If it is the story of yours, it is never to late to develop your sense of humor. Listen, read, learn, and have a leap of faith.. .and oh, and don't be afraid to look foolish. They may just laugh at you yet.

Rick London founded the Internet's top offbeat cartoon site, Londons Times Cartoons at - Many of his cartoons are dog and other animal-related and he donates a percentage of all sales of animal cartoon products to various animal causes. Several of his cartoon stores are [] (funny maternity and baby clothes and gifts) and both have been very popular since 1997.

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Cocky and Funny - Playfully Teasing Women

How to be cocky and funny...

Cocky and funny is a term coined by David Deangelo author and creator of Double Your Dating.
Cocky and funny is the foundation of what David Deangelo teaches and is simply gaming using a simple
style of "insulting with a smile" then making her laugh.

Very simple yes?

However if you're just starting out in this BEWARE as your results will be mixed and varied.
Be weary of the way you pronounce the lines he gives you as you can come across as arrogant.

When I first discovered how to be cocky and funny with women, I was delighted as a new wave of opportunities came upon me. whenever I was out in coffee shops, bars, juice stations the waitresses would soon know me by name and know I would be busting their balls so to speak.

Here's the deal...

Cocky and funny is a great tool for demonstrating that you're not an approval-seeking, butt-kissing, nice guy. Used right, cocky & funny will attract women and demonstrate a lot of important traits that women are looking for in a guy, such as:





Social intelligence.

Used incorrectly and women will see you as too arrogant, insecure or weird.
I leave it in your ball park ...

How to be cocky and funny: Tip #1

CAFE: I'll just arrive at a cafe and take a seat so the waitress comes out and before she can take my order I'll say

Alex: Hi there, can I take your order?

Her: haha I'm supposed to say that!

Alex: Really...I've been sitting here for the last 20 minutes without any coffee and look at me I'm all dehydrated ...

BOOKSTORE: I'll be walking around a bookstore and spot an attractive woman flicking through a book

Alex: Hi there know I read that book recently it's a fantatcis book by the way... would you like to know the ending?

If you want to learn the cocky & funny secrets that I discovered after years of trial and error in real-life situations with women, then check out Street Dating Revealed in this DVD I reveal killer tips for meeting women during the day in cafes, park benches and even on the street. go to

How to be cocky and funny: Tip #2

Don't be overly cocky as you can overdo this part and come across as arrogant and insecure. You need to find the right balance.

If you have too much cockiness you will come across as a jerk and if you use too much "funniness" you will come across as too much of a nice guy or a funny man, women want both in men they seek so try to strike the right balance here.

How to be cocky and funny Tip #3

Approach this technique from a casual point and being playful rather than being too serious about it.
Women will sense if you're trying too hard and it'll turn her off

How to be cocky and funny: Tip #4

Practice as much you can, when you're ordering your coffee

Alex: Hi there what coffee do you recommend?

Her: Oh you have to try the caramel mochaccino! It's new, bigger etc

Alex: Hmmm sounds nice ... I'll have a flat white (smile)

Her: hahaha

The more you practice cocky and funny the better you'll become at it and more calibrated you will seem.

This is in essence a very powerful technique and should be the basis of all your interactions, you should always be teasing and playful pushing her away and pulling her back in.

The more you experiment the better you'll get.

Talk to you soon!


Alex Coulson has been a core leader in the ever evolving dating industry, he holds cutting-edge dating workshops/courses every weekend around Australia and regularly holds dating seminars on attracting women internationally.

For more information and to claim access to Alex Coulson's "5 Step System" Audio E-course for FREE (limited time only) head over to

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How to Make a Funny Home Video

What is the cheapest and easiest way to get rid of the blues? Make a funny home video - a video hilarious enough that it can make your sides and cheeks sore from laughing, and a video that you will remember again and again and not get tired of reliving it constantly. If your home video can do all these things, then you are a success in creating a funny home video.

Everyone can make a home video but not all can make it funny. This is why shows like America's Funniest Home Videos pay $10000 to the video that attracts the attention of the largest number of viewers. So, how do you make a funny home video?

First of all, you have to remember that what makes one laugh does not necessarily mean that it can make the other one laugh. Comedy is very hard to do because you have to appeal to most of the audience's senses and make them remember some point in their lives where something similar as some of the scenes on your video happened to them in the past. Making them recall that specific situation is the first step into letting them see the humor of the situation, and this will make them laugh. This is a reason why home videos are naturally funny since they capture a certain emotion regarding a specific situation in one's life.

Secondly, most comedic acts flop because the actor wasn't able to connect with his audience. Notice most stand-up comedians initially establish eye contact with their audience before they deliver their piece. They do this because they need to initially connect with the audience in order to make them attune to what he is saying and what he means when he does something. Although it would be a bit harder to connect with the audience through a home video, you can make it up with your home video's stage presence. Of course, you should make your home video appear not too obvious that it is being filmed for comedy.

Thirdly, the punch line should be delivered with precise timing and intonation. In the case of home videos, this is probably the situation wherein the act of being funny is done in a spontaneous manner so as to not let the audience realize that it was all an act.

Finally, carefully choose the subject of your funny home video. Most of the time, kids or babies are used as subjects because of the innocent and natural way they project their personalities that are usually humorous to view. It is quite hard to choose a subject of a funny home video. Not all people would give consent to be made fun of by others. They would even get insulted about it since those who mimic them usually try their best to show their negative aspects in order to provide others with what they always want to see.

Making funny home videos poses a big challenge to those interested. It is hard to find situations that have been caught on tape that are really funny. It will just be pure coincidence that when these things have happened, a camera was available to catch it. Most of the time, the funny situations are not so funny as you expect them to be when you get ready to take a picture. If you are up to the challenge of making a funny home video, then I hope that these pointers can help you capture scenes that actually make up a set of truly funny home videos. offers an easy way to find all the humerous videos and the funny video clips you want on the entire Internet all in one spot. Use our humor search portal to find what you're looking for!

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Funny Ring Tones To Add Fun In Your Dull Life

Life today is full of work load, pressure to compete with others, apprehensions regarding future, your ambition to fulfill your endless desires and your ultimate objective to be successful in this fast moving world. All these things in confluence result in stress and you find it hard to manage the situation.

So far I know, nothing could be a better solution to your stress than that a bout of laughter. A laughter that involves you fully, happens to be the best remedy of momentary stresses that a person faces in his life. And probably this is the sole reason why funny ring tones are among the most sought after genre of ring tones. These bring instant smile on your face and you burst out laughing, once your amusing ring tone announces the arrival of a call.

Among all possible genre of real tones or MP3 ring tones, it is funny tones that happen to be hot favorite of youngsters all round the globe. In fact it's popularity is not only restricted to the youngsters, even grown up fun lovers long for these crazy tones.

If stress is the way of your work, these ring tones are a must have-in for your cell phone as the fun element in these will provide you momentary entertainment with every incoming call. If you assign different funny ring tones to various incoming calls on your phone, you would experience a variety of fun and recreation with varying level of entertainment in these ring tones.

These funny ring tones could be either a joke or a funny voice. Any verbal or musical expression that possesses a tinge of humor and fun could be a funny ring tone. Even a dialog delivered by Jim Carey in one of his flicks could be a funny real tone.

These ring tones come as an opportunity for folks who have lots of funny sides integrated with their personality. They take these ring tones as a means to make a statement about their real self.

You can also make your own funny ring tone by recording funny voices or funny dialogs of your friends and people around. After recording your unique funny expressions you can edit it. And later on download it in your phone as your unique funny ring tone.

So, catch up with this rage of funny ring tones and make your life full of fun!!

To get more information on ringtones, polyphonic ringtones and ringtone artist visit

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Can Anyone Learn to be Funny?

Probably the single greatest asset which anyone can ever have in conversations is the ability to make other people laugh.

Whether you are asking your boss for a raise, talking to someone who you like, or just trying to be the popular person who everyone wants to be around, you will get light years ahead if only you can make them laugh.

An interesting, but little known fact is that laughter is a response which is a subconscious way of saying to someone else "I want to bond with you".
Is it any wonder that countless surveys have shown that the number one desired characteristic in the opposite sex, for both sexes, is a sense of humour.

But can someone actually learn to be funny? Do you have to be born with a particular natural talent for humour, which if you don't have, there's no chance for you? Are some people permanently condemned to a lifetime of boredom and unpopularity, never able to hold their own in a conversation, while the 'natural funny guys' effortlessly take the approval of everyone present? Is there a secret to being funny?

Many naturally funny people, even most stand-up comedians, will tell you that humour "just comes" and that is the only way it can be ever be produced. If you don't possess a natural sense of humour, you will never be funny.

But is this true?

Imagine for a moment, being able to make anyone laugh at will. No matter what the situation, just being able to turn anything into a well-crafted, make-everyone-laugh joke. Always be able to insert that killer funny line into any conversation. What could you achieve with this ability which outshines even the 'naturals'? How easy would conversations be from now on? How much would your confidence improve knowing you will always carry around with you the effortless secret of powerful humour?

But is this possible?
Can humour actually 'be learnt'?

I want you for a moment to think back to your school days when you had to learn that subject which everyone loved called - mathematics.
Now, some people found mathematics quite easy and picked it up quite fast, while others didn't take to it as good and plodded along kinda slowly. There are 'naturals' at mathematics too.
But in the end, everyone actually learnt to do mathematics. Everyone actually learnt to be able to do addition and subtraction quite easily. The heavier stuff maybe not everyone got, but it soon became obvious that even those who at first had trouble, with a bit of study and a bit of work, it was possible for anyone to be able to develop the ability to 'do mathematics'.

So what exactly is going on here? Well, mathematics is primarily a left-brain activity. Now some people are naturally 'left-brained' people and so have an advantage at left-brained things like mathematics. However, even those who aren't 'left-brained' people can still exercise that part of their brain and develop it to any level they choose. It just takes a little bit more work. The same is true for humour. Humour is primarily a right-brain activity. Some people may not be naturally 'right-brained' people, but they can still develop this part of their brain. So who then can learn humour?

Anyone who has ever laughed at a joke can learn to be funny!

That's just about everyone right? Okay, sounds great, but how do I learn to be funny?
Well, how did you learn to do mathematics? First you were given a formula, then you practiced using it over and over again. It was hard at first - you really had to think. But after doing heaps of problems, it was easy. You could do it in your sleep. It is the same with humour.

So what is the formula to being funny?

Make yourself comfortable here because I am about to share with you the secret to all humour.

The human brain operates by continuously looking for patterns. It does this so that it can constantly predict the outcome of a situation. When a story is began, the brain immediately finds a familiar pattern to associate it to, so that it can predict where it is going. But when this pattern is disrupted and a connection is suddenly made to an entirely new and unexpected pattern, laughter occurs as this new connection is made.

Okay, that's a bit heavy. How does it actually work?

Well lets take an example.

"Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do, you will be a mile away and have their shoes."

A bit of an old classic, but it clearly demonstrates what we are talking about.
The first part of this line - the setup - creates a mental pattern which makes you think a certain way. If we just left it here, you would be thinking I am trying to tell you to be slow to criticise someone and first try to understand them. Now I haven't actually said this, but the mental pattern predicts this outcome. However, when I drop the second part - the punch line - all of a sudden this first pattern is interrupted and a connection is made to an entirely new, unexpected pattern. Now I am telling you to make sure you can get away with it and have the advantage. The important thing is though, that there is still a connection between the first part and the second part - it still makes sense. It is just not what you first expected. The first pattern has been disrupted. This is how all humour is created.

So how can I use that to be funny?

First create a setup. You say something which has an implied outcome.
"I would love to tell you just what a great job you are doing"

The implied outcome is that I like the job this person is doing and I am complimenting them.
But then I slam 'em with the punch line.
"But I don't want to ruin my honest reputation."

Okay, not quite the outcome expected, but it still makes sense. This is humour.

All this might seem like a complicated process, but this is the formula for making people laugh. Remember the first time you were given a mathematics formula to play around with? It was long and complicated at first, but with a bit of practice it soon became easy. If you use this formula to create lots of jokes, very soon it will be automatic. You will have trained your mind to instantly create humour on command. You will have learnt to be funny.

What I have just shared with you is the basic formula to be funny on command. The number one resource which I recommend to supercharge your humour to incredible heights in as little as seven days is an e-book called "How to be FUNNY!" written by Stanley Lyndon. This not only takes you step by step how to create humour but also gives a wealth of techniques you can instantly use to maximise your humour to gut-tearing proportions! You can get this unbelievable e-book by going here.

Finally! An e-book which takes you step by step to being paralisingly funny in just 7 days flat! Never be boring in conversation again! Create killer humour effortlessly and at will!

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A Family That Laughs Together Loves Together - Funny Gift Ideas For Your Children

A family that laughs together loves together. Studies show that humor is important for the physical, emotional and social well being of adults and children alike. Having a sense of humor with your children can strengthen your relationships and create strong family bonds.

Children enjoy a good laugh. They also enjoy receiving gifts. Add some humor to the lives of your children by giving them a funny gift. The sound of a child's unstoppable laughter and incessant giggling is something you will never forget.

A quick online search revealed several ideas for funny gifts for children.

Funny Books - Children of all ages can enjoy a good, funny book. Many children's books have a small amount of humor, while some focus on being funny. Here are some suggestions for silly books for kids:
# Pre-School aged children will enjoy the board book Yummy Yucky by Leslie Patricelli. Not only is it humorous to read with silly illustrations, a toddler will learn an important lesson about what not to put in their mouth.

# Young readers may get a laugh from Stoo Hample's rendition of The Silly Book. Great prose and illustrations make this a funny favorite.

# Older readers will enjoy reading Jeff Rovin's 500 Hilarious Jokes for Kids. An easy read with all jokes grouped into specific categories.

Funny Movies - The best funny movies for families are the ones that can be enjoyed by the children and the parents. Watching a silly movie together is a great family way to spend a rainy afternoon. Some fabulously funny movies for the whole family include such titles as Ice Age, Finding Nemo, and Shrek.

Funny Games - Playing time with children is wonderful in creating good family relationships. Add humor to the game and you've got a fun time for everyone. Silly games to be enjoyed by the whole family include Cranium: The Family Fun Game, Zingo Game, and Guesstures.

Funny Clothing - Humor is starting to show itself on children's clothing. Silly statements can be found on shirts for babies, children and teenagers. Slogans such as "Small But Dangerous", "Party! My Crib 3am", and "The Incredible Sulk",

A great resource for finding a wide selection of funny movies, books and games, can be found at For a fabulous selection of slogan tops and rompers, check out the

Elizabeth Smith is the owner/webmaster of Advanced Web Management, an online web program management business. Liz manages several popular websites, such as and Liz also enjoys freelance writing on a variety of topics, her favorite being anything pertaining to the Great Outdoors!

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How to Tell Jokes and Be Funny

Jokes are great ice breakers, mood lifters and a great source of happiness. There may be some people who are very talented when it comes to telling jokes but you can at least learn how to tell jokes and be funny.

Learning how to tell jokes and be funny can be a great skill. In fact, one of the characteristics that many women love in a man is a good sense of humor. Aside from that, many people love a funny man. Of course, nobody hates a man who can make them laugh. Aside from being a jolly companion, being funny can also make you an interesting speaker and life of the party.

Even if you are not a gifted comedian, it helps a lot to learn to tell funny jokes once in a while - to break the ice on meetings or on conversations, to be able to mingle with other people and to be more interesting. To help you with these, here are a few tips you can do.

Know your audience. It is important that you tell jokes to appropriate people and that you make sure you are crack a joke that is suited to your audience. Especially when it comes to jokes about stereotypes or ethnicity, you might want to be careful with who you are talking to before making a joke.

Find new jokes and don't just rely on those old jokes you have heard and probably everybody has heard before. This is one tip that you should keep in mind always if you want to be that funny guy. Although jokes are the most popular means of making everyone laugh, you can however find punch lines and one-liners that can also be great - and you can cultivate that if you have a talent for that.

Proper timing is also essential in learning how to tell jokes. If in a conversation you have thought about a joke that would be appropriate and of the right timing, don't wait that the atmosphere has died down before cracking that joke. It would not be funny anymore if your audience has already lost the momentum. Do not also be too eager to give all your best jokes at once. People would not be amused listening to the same old jokes over and over again, so give only jokes that are relevant to the situation at hand.

Be funny. If you want to learn how to tell jokes effectively, you have to learn how to be funny as well. Sometimes the intensity of your joke also depends on how funny you deliver them. Your facial expressions with a fun personality, it is a plus in trying to be funny.

Learn from others. The best teachers you can have on how to tell jokes effectively are the best comedians. Watch funny movies, read funny books. The more you are exposed to how great comedians deliver their jokes, the more you can learn from them. But do not duplicate them. Many people are most often disappointed in entertainers trying to be copycats of another - unless of course if you want to do an impression of a person.

Carolyn Anderson is also learning how to be a funny person. To learn ways on how to be funny and learn to tell jokes, check out How To Be Funny. Also check out Get Faxed, where you can find great ideas on how to add sketches to your fax and lighten the mood of your office.

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Funny Baby Videos - Hilarious and Cute

Everyone loves babies. They are so comical and fun to watch. Capturing some of their antic on video has become a favorite past time. Funny baby videos are shown by the media all over the place.

Home Videos

Everyone that has a video camera and a kid has some funny videos. Catching the baby doing something funny and capturing on video has really become an obsession with Americans. These videos are passed around at family gatherings, posted on the World Wide Web for everyone to enjoy and shared with anyone willing to take a peek. They just seem to lighten up everyone's mood. Home videos of funny babies are often brought out at birthday parties and wedding to showcase the silliness of the adult birthday person or the bride or the groom. It has become a favorite activity to show off an adult child's funny videos when the adult child is preparing to have their own child. Usually, it is quite embarrassing to the adult child but does not keep family members from showing it.

On Television

There is an entire show on TV that is dedicated to funny home videos. Half of the videos that are submitted contain funny babies. They are so entertaining that they usually make it into the top ten videos on the show. These videos usually show the baby in the midst of some quirky behavior that just is so funny it has to be shared. A lot of people really enjoy watching the segments that involve the funny baby. A funny baby usually gets very high ratings from TV viewers and audience members and usually winds up winning the cash prize offered by the show for the funniest video submitted.

The Internet

A lot of folks will post their video on the World Wide Web, where it takes on a life of its own. The act may simply be done to share the video with friends and family and it winds up getting millions of hit's a day because it is so funny and complete strangers enjoy watching it. A funny baby video can wind up with almost a cult following, and becomes open to critics opinions. There was recently outrage over a video that was posted by a well known actor where the child used strong language in the video some people were very offended by this, of course the video was posted on the internet where many people have access to it. There was talk of charges by the department of social services against the parent.

A funny baby video is a great way to be entertained. It is also a great way to be embarrassed and could have repercussions.

Do you have a funny baby? Go to Funny Baby Videos for more information.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Creating Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

Wedding speeches can be extremely difficult to prepare and that is especially the case with the maid of honor speech. What should a maid of honor speech say? Should it be emotional? Should it contain funny stories? Well the thing to remember is that this is a wedding! It is a happy occasion and people want to laugh. So creating funny maid of honor speeches is definitely the way to go whenever possible!

How do you Create Funny Maid of Honor Speeches?

Creating funny maid of honor speeches can be a challenge. If you are not naturally funny then trying to think of something funny to say can often be a struggle. However, the thing to remember is that you really do not have to be a stand up comedian; all you need is a few funny stories.

All best friends have a few funny stories to tell. Whether they are stories from childhood or stories from your wild nights out - they could all potentially go down well in funny maid of honor speeches. However, you have to know what is appropriate and what isn't if you do not want to offend anybody.

An example of not so funny maid of honor speeches would be if you were to mention an ex boyfriend. Nobody wants to hear about the ex partners of the love of their life. So as funny as you think the story may be, if it involves the bride's ex then it should definitely not be mentioned!

Some maids of honor like to add a funny story which involves when the bride and groom first met. Perhaps the bride had a different opinion of the groom back then? Obviously if that opinion was really bad, you shouldn't mention it. However, if she just wasn't sure about him then that could make a funny story as part of your speech.

Creating funny maid of honor speeches can be a good way to lighten up the mood and to help everyone to really enjoy themselves. It can also be a chance to show that it isn't just the groom and his best man who have all of the fun. Best man speeches are well known for their sense of humor, so why can't the maid of honor's speech be the same?

Overall maid of honor speeches should still be heartfelt and sincere, but they really do not have to be boring. If you can think of a few funny stories to throw in then it is definitely a good idea. After all - why let the men have all of the fun when there is plenty of fun to be had by the bride and her maid of honor? If humor isn't your strong point then you could always hire somebody to write your speech for you.

To find out how to give a moving, warm, funny and meaningful maids of honor speech please visit this link:

Bobby Wilson writes articles on different topics that interest him.

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Cocky and Funny - Playfully Teasing Women

How to be cocky and funny...

Cocky and funny is a term coined by David Deangelo author and creator of Double Your Dating.
Cocky and funny is the foundation of what David Deangelo teaches and is simply gaming using a simple
style of "insulting with a smile" then making her laugh.

Very simple yes?

However if you're just starting out in this BEWARE as your results will be mixed and varied.
Be weary of the way you pronounce the lines he gives you as you can come across as arrogant.

When I first discovered how to be cocky and funny with women, I was delighted as a new wave of opportunities came upon me. whenever I was out in coffee shops, bars, juice stations the waitresses would soon know me by name and know I would be busting their balls so to speak.

Here's the deal...

Cocky and funny is a great tool for demonstrating that you're not an approval-seeking, butt-kissing, nice guy. Used right, cocky & funny will attract women and demonstrate a lot of important traits that women are looking for in a guy, such as:





Social intelligence.

Used incorrectly and women will see you as too arrogant, insecure or weird.
I leave it in your ball park ...

How to be cocky and funny: Tip #1

CAFE: I'll just arrive at a cafe and take a seat so the waitress comes out and before she can take my order I'll say

Alex: Hi there, can I take your order?

Her: haha I'm supposed to say that!

Alex: Really...I've been sitting here for the last 20 minutes without any coffee and look at me I'm all dehydrated ...

BOOKSTORE: I'll be walking around a bookstore and spot an attractive woman flicking through a book

Alex: Hi there know I read that book recently it's a fantatcis book by the way... would you like to know the ending?

If you want to learn the cocky & funny secrets that I discovered after years of trial and error in real-life situations with women, then check out Street Dating Revealed in this DVD I reveal killer tips for meeting women during the day in cafes, park benches and even on the street. go to

How to be cocky and funny: Tip #2

Don't be overly cocky as you can overdo this part and come across as arrogant and insecure. You need to find the right balance.

If you have too much cockiness you will come across as a jerk and if you use too much "funniness" you will come across as too much of a nice guy or a funny man, women want both in men they seek so try to strike the right balance here.

How to be cocky and funny Tip #3

Approach this technique from a casual point and being playful rather than being too serious about it.
Women will sense if you're trying too hard and it'll turn her off

How to be cocky and funny: Tip #4

Practice as much you can, when you're ordering your coffee

Alex: Hi there what coffee do you recommend?

Her: Oh you have to try the caramel mochaccino! It's new, bigger etc

Alex: Hmmm sounds nice ... I'll have a flat white (smile)

Her: hahaha

The more you practice cocky and funny the better you'll become at it and more calibrated you will seem.

This is in essence a very powerful technique and should be the basis of all your interactions, you should always be teasing and playful pushing her away and pulling her back in.

The more you experiment the better you'll get.

Talk to you soon!


Alex Coulson has been a core leader in the ever evolving dating industry, he holds cutting-edge dating workshops/courses every weekend around Australia and regularly holds dating seminars on attracting women internationally.

For more information and to claim access to Alex Coulson's "5 Step System" Audio E-course for FREE (limited time only) head over to

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How to Make a Funny Home Video

What is the cheapest and easiest way to get rid of the blues? Make a funny home video - a video hilarious enough that it can make your sides and cheeks sore from laughing, and a video that you will remember again and again and not get tired of reliving it constantly. If your home video can do all these things, then you are a success in creating a funny home video.

Everyone can make a home video but not all can make it funny. This is why shows like America's Funniest Home Videos pay $10000 to the video that attracts the attention of the largest number of viewers. So, how do you make a funny home video?

First of all, you have to remember that what makes one laugh does not necessarily mean that it can make the other one laugh. Comedy is very hard to do because you have to appeal to most of the audience's senses and make them remember some point in their lives where something similar as some of the scenes on your video happened to them in the past. Making them recall that specific situation is the first step into letting them see the humor of the situation, and this will make them laugh. This is a reason why home videos are naturally funny since they capture a certain emotion regarding a specific situation in one's life.

Secondly, most comedic acts flop because the actor wasn't able to connect with his audience. Notice most stand-up comedians initially establish eye contact with their audience before they deliver their piece. They do this because they need to initially connect with the audience in order to make them attune to what he is saying and what he means when he does something. Although it would be a bit harder to connect with the audience through a home video, you can make it up with your home video's stage presence. Of course, you should make your home video appear not too obvious that it is being filmed for comedy.

Thirdly, the punch line should be delivered with precise timing and intonation. In the case of home videos, this is probably the situation wherein the act of being funny is done in a spontaneous manner so as to not let the audience realize that it was all an act.

Finally, carefully choose the subject of your funny home video. Most of the time, kids or babies are used as subjects because of the innocent and natural way they project their personalities that are usually humorous to view. It is quite hard to choose a subject of a funny home video. Not all people would give consent to be made fun of by others. They would even get insulted about it since those who mimic them usually try their best to show their negative aspects in order to provide others with what they always want to see.

Making funny home videos poses a big challenge to those interested. It is hard to find situations that have been caught on tape that are really funny. It will just be pure coincidence that when these things have happened, a camera was available to catch it. Most of the time, the funny situations are not so funny as you expect them to be when you get ready to take a picture. If you are up to the challenge of making a funny home video, then I hope that these pointers can help you capture scenes that actually make up a set of truly funny home videos. offers an easy way to find all the humerous videos and the funny video clips you want on the entire Internet all in one spot. Use our humor search portal to find what you're looking for!

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Funny Ring Tones To Add Fun In Your Dull Life

Life today is full of work load, pressure to compete with others, apprehensions regarding future, your ambition to fulfill your endless desires and your ultimate objective to be successful in this fast moving world. All these things in confluence result in stress and you find it hard to manage the situation.

So far I know, nothing could be a better solution to your stress than that a bout of laughter. A laughter that involves you fully, happens to be the best remedy of momentary stresses that a person faces in his life. And probably this is the sole reason why funny ring tones are among the most sought after genre of ring tones. These bring instant smile on your face and you burst out laughing, once your amusing ring tone announces the arrival of a call.

Among all possible genre of real tones or MP3 ring tones, it is funny tones that happen to be hot favorite of youngsters all round the globe. In fact it's popularity is not only restricted to the youngsters, even grown up fun lovers long for these crazy tones.

If stress is the way of your work, these ring tones are a must have-in for your cell phone as the fun element in these will provide you momentary entertainment with every incoming call. If you assign different funny ring tones to various incoming calls on your phone, you would experience a variety of fun and recreation with varying level of entertainment in these ring tones.

These funny ring tones could be either a joke or a funny voice. Any verbal or musical expression that possesses a tinge of humor and fun could be a funny ring tone. Even a dialog delivered by Jim Carey in one of his flicks could be a funny real tone.

These ring tones come as an opportunity for folks who have lots of funny sides integrated with their personality. They take these ring tones as a means to make a statement about their real self.

You can also make your own funny ring tone by recording funny voices or funny dialogs of your friends and people around. After recording your unique funny expressions you can edit it. And later on download it in your phone as your unique funny ring tone.

So, catch up with this rage of funny ring tones and make your life full of fun!!

To get more information on ringtones, polyphonic ringtones and ringtone artist visit

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