Friday, April 16, 2010

Creating Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

Wedding speeches can be extremely difficult to prepare and that is especially the case with the maid of honor speech. What should a maid of honor speech say? Should it be emotional? Should it contain funny stories? Well the thing to remember is that this is a wedding! It is a happy occasion and people want to laugh. So creating funny maid of honor speeches is definitely the way to go whenever possible!

How do you Create Funny Maid of Honor Speeches?

Creating funny maid of honor speeches can be a challenge. If you are not naturally funny then trying to think of something funny to say can often be a struggle. However, the thing to remember is that you really do not have to be a stand up comedian; all you need is a few funny stories.

All best friends have a few funny stories to tell. Whether they are stories from childhood or stories from your wild nights out - they could all potentially go down well in funny maid of honor speeches. However, you have to know what is appropriate and what isn't if you do not want to offend anybody.

An example of not so funny maid of honor speeches would be if you were to mention an ex boyfriend. Nobody wants to hear about the ex partners of the love of their life. So as funny as you think the story may be, if it involves the bride's ex then it should definitely not be mentioned!

Some maids of honor like to add a funny story which involves when the bride and groom first met. Perhaps the bride had a different opinion of the groom back then? Obviously if that opinion was really bad, you shouldn't mention it. However, if she just wasn't sure about him then that could make a funny story as part of your speech.

Creating funny maid of honor speeches can be a good way to lighten up the mood and to help everyone to really enjoy themselves. It can also be a chance to show that it isn't just the groom and his best man who have all of the fun. Best man speeches are well known for their sense of humor, so why can't the maid of honor's speech be the same?

Overall maid of honor speeches should still be heartfelt and sincere, but they really do not have to be boring. If you can think of a few funny stories to throw in then it is definitely a good idea. After all - why let the men have all of the fun when there is plenty of fun to be had by the bride and her maid of honor? If humor isn't your strong point then you could always hire somebody to write your speech for you.

To find out how to give a moving, warm, funny and meaningful maids of honor speech please visit this link:

Bobby Wilson writes articles on different topics that interest him.

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