Thursday, April 29, 2010

Funny Wedding Speech - The Best Wedding Speeches Are Funny - Here's How to Make One

A funny wedding speech which is truly humorous and witty all in the same is always one of the harder wedding speeches to create. As we all know not everyone is a comedian. A funny wedding speech is not about including a joke or two in your speech. In order to create a successful funny wedding speech you will need to apply your sense of humor to make your speech really funny and interesting at the same time. Here are some thoughts that should be able to help to compose some really funny wedding speeches. And with a bit of patience and effort from your part it's not hard to achieve and you should have the crowd laughing in no time.

1) Tell Stories Of When You Were Younger- This is always a crowd pleaser and can provide sentimental moments at the same time. If you do decide to tell stories always make sure that you leave risque subjects out.

2) Tell A Most Memorable Moment- If you are speaking at the wedding than certainly there has to be a memorable moment that you have shared that was humorous.

3) Tell About A Funny Habit That You May Know About The Person- Habits are always another crowd pleaser. Do you know about a certain freaky habit? If so use this to your advantage and incorporate it into your funny wedding speech.

4) Is There Something That You Know The Bride or Groom Said They Would Never Do?- It is always funny to hear about the bride or groom getting caught doing things that they said they would never do. Did you recently catch Joe frantically washing the dishes before Jan got home from work when you recently went over to visit him or did you catch Jan rocking out to Joe's crazy metal records when you thought she hated them? Things like this can always make for a funny wedding speech.

Creating a funny wedding speech sometimes can be tricky but are always one of the most memorable ones. It is important to always avoid the three following topics when creating your speech. Sex, Politics or Religion.

If you avoid these three topics and try to incorporate at least one of the recommended topics above into your funny wedding speech you will have the crowd laughing and your speech will be remembered for years to come!

Do you need a Funny Wedding Speech
A funny wedding speech is just a click away with our recommended wedding speech services. Create Any Wedding Speech Now For Just $19.99 Click Here

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